Advantages of Alkaline water machine
1) Why not boiled water: Boiled water is "dead" water. Boiling "destroys" oxygen and nutritional minerals in the water. It will not take away the impurities, odour, heavy metals and chlorine. Boiled water tastes flat and makes water acidic too!
2) Why not bottled water: Quality of bottled water is not always consistent depending on the source. Besides the high costs that accompany the products, it is not very convenient as one has to go out of his own home to purchase bottled water. Good quality water must be in contact with oxygen in the air because it has continuous molecular movements. Bottled water has no fresh activation and destroys oxygen and mineral ions.
3) Why not bottled water dispensers: Many companies (or heavy users) provide their employees with drinking water from suppliers of bottled water which provide dispensers for as long as they order a minimum quantity of 5-gallon bottled water every week. Unknown to most of them, these dispensers have no mechanism to control bacteria, thus making the drinking water susceptible to bacterial growth. Besides this probable contamination, heavy users of this type of water would need storage space for bulk bottles (with the accompanying difficulty of having to carry or lift these bottles into place) and would need to wait for their regular supply which is usually delayed during summer months. With bottled water dispensers, you do not own the unit and the costs per litre can be very expensive in the long run.
4) Why not distilled water: Distilled water is water that has essentially all of the dissolved substances within it removed by evaporating it and condensing it back to liquid form. Since 99 percent of all dissolved matter in water is minerals, distilled water is essentially water that has had all of its minerals removed. Water in its natural state always contains minerals and distilled water becomes "aggressive" because de-mineralized water is an unnatural condition. Distilled water then tries to correct this situation by combining with any other substances it comes in contact with, particularly the container which holds it. As no container is completely "inert"(or chemically inactive), distilled water will combine with whatever the container is made of and absorb it. Good quality water should be fresh, with dissolved minerals, nutrients and oxygen. Tests confirmed that plants and fish do not grow well with distilled or boiled water as they need activated minerals and oxygen to grow. Distilled water is also acidic and tastes flat, the same water intended for your car batteries.
5) Why not reverse osmosis water(R/O): In the reverse osmosis water treatment, a thin synthetic membrane is used, with pores large enough to pass water molecules but too small to pass larger molecules. Water pressure forces water molecules to pass through the membrane but leaves the larger molecules of pollutants behind. This process is not only tedious (it takes several hours to produce one gallon) but also wasteful as between 3-10gallons of tap water are needed to produce one gallon of purified water (with the remainder drained away). R/O also removes whole minerals necessary for health